Hudson Bay Mountain

Hudson Bay Mountain | Smithers, BC

Since I was but a puny four year old rapscallion I have gazed up in awe from the Bulkley Valley to the peaks of Hudson Bay Mountain in my hometown of Smithers, BC. Just last month I had the opportunity to climb for the first time up to one of it’s mighty peaks and sign what is known as “the book”. I was left with a whole new perspective and a sense of awe that exceeded that of my four-year-old self.

The hike started out quite pleasantly in the lower alpine, from the base of the “Green T-bar” of the ski hill. We hiked up 40 minutes or so to Crater lake and then branched up around the right side of it. Summit time was a little over 3 hours with photo stops.

Hudson Bay Mountain
Stream at the base of Crater Lake.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Climbing up above Crater Lake.

There was a lot of scrambling up the loose rock, but we eventually arrived at the ridge of one of the first peaks, which offered some pretty magnificent views.

Hudson Bay Mountain
Scrambling up the lower peak.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Nice views from the first ridge.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Hudson Bay Mountain
Orange stone and gray stone.

I never realized until climbing atop the ridges and peaks that what look like smooth, giant stone surfaces from kilometers below are actually many loose rocks of all different sizes.

Hudson Bay Mountain
Breaking to bits.

The final climb got a little trickier, but overall the summit is quite accessible.

Hudson Bay Mountain - 16
Anna approaches the summit.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Ascending the ridge.

Atop at last:

Hudson Bay Mountain
Smithers down below.

It rained in the valley below, but we stayed dry up top.

Hudson Bay Mountain
The Book.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Bear, hitching a ride with Anna.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Descent, with the glacier below.
Hudson Bay Mountain
The sun beats down.
Hudson Bay Mountain
We came down around the opposite side of the lake.
Hudson Bay Mountain
Reflections, from the edge of Crater Lake.