The clouds filled the valley that mid-July day and cut the harsh afternoon light that had threatened the day before. Kaila and Josh grew up in the Bulkley Valley but have since moved south. I also grew up there before moving south and was delighted to make the trip up to photograph their wedding.
I joined Kaila, her bridesmaids, and a few other close friends that morning at the cozy Stonesthrow Guesthouse.
My second shooter, Rory, joined Josh and his crew at the Logpile Lodge. A last minute adjustment:
The ceremony took place on Kaila’s parents’ property in the foothills rolling out from the Babine mountain range. The surrounding forest and fields made for some nice portrait settings. Sometimes the shots in between the shots are equally or more interesting. The wedding party party as they wait for their turn.Wild ones:We gathered the wedding party and drove down the road to an empty farmer’s field for some portraits. We next moved things over to join the festivities at Glenwood Hall for the reception.
The shoe game is quite fun. Speeches……and dancing.And much partying.